
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




( 2018 )

( 2017 )

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( 2014 )


匹配条件: “Toril Rannestad” ,找到相关结果约32条。
Socioeconomic conditions and number of pain sites in women
Toril Rannestad, Finn Skjeldestad
BMC Women's Health , 2012, DOI: 10.1186/1472-6874-12-7
Abstract: The study population comprised 653 women; 160 recurrence-free long-term gynecological cancer survivors, and 493 women selected at random from the general population. Demographic characteristics and co-morbidity over the past 12 months were assessed. Socioeconomic conditions were measured by Socioeconomic Condition Index (SCI), comprising education, employment status, income, ability to pay bills, self-perceived health, and satisfaction with number of close friends. Main outcome measure NPS was recorded using a body outline diagram indicating where the respondents had experienced pain during the past week. Chi-square test and forward stepwise logistic regression were applied.There were only minor differences in SCI scores between women with 0, 1-2 or 3 NPS. Four or more NPS was associated with younger age, higher BMI and low SCI. After adjustment for age, BMI and co-morbidity, we found a strong association between low SCI scores and four or more NPS, indicating that there is a threshold in the NPS count for when socioeconomic determinants are associated to NPS in women.Living in deprived socioeconomic conditions is associated with higher prevalence of health complaints [1,2], like generalized [3], musculoskeletal [4], chronic non-malignant [5] and complex/frequent/intensive pain [6]. The most frequent measures of self-reported pain are frequency, severity, and specific pain locations. During the recent years number of pain sites (NPS) is regarded as a better parameter in pain assessment [7] and may be more important than actual sites in determining the impact on health [8] and functioning [9]. Females endorse a larger NPS than males [7,10-12], and high NPS is frequently reported around middle age [7,12,13]. Increasing NPS is related to impaired health status [10,12], and poorer general [9,14], as well as physical, psychological and social functioning outcomes [15]. However, little is known regarding the association between socioeconomic conditions and NPS. The aim of
Expectations and desires of palliative health care personnel concerning their future work culture
Beate Andre,Endre Sj?vold,Marte Holmemo,Toril Rannestad
Journal of Hospital Administration , 2013, DOI: 10.5430/jha.v2n3p46
Abstract: Introduction: Exploring the work culture of health care personnel is important in order to understand the challenges they face and the issues they experience. Believing in and shaping their futures indicates a working culture influenced by promoting factors. The aims of this study were to explore how health care workers at a Palliative Medicine Unit perceive their future work culture would be and whether they perceive that their expectations and desires will be fulfilled. Design: A correlational study. Methods: Health care personnel, physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, and others (N = 26) at a PMU in Norway completed a questionnaire according to the two perspectives, expectations (future) and desire (wish). The findings in these two perspectives were compared. The method seeks to explore what aspects dominate the particular work culture and identifying challenges, limitations, and opportunities. The findings were also compared with a reference group of 347 ratings of well-functioning Norwegian organizations, named the “Norwegian Norm”. Results: The findings for the wish perspective showed significant (p<0.05; p<0.01) higher rates for nurturing and synergy dimensions and significant lower rates (p>0.05; p>0.05) for opposition and control dimensions than the findings for the future perspective. Conclusions: It appears that the health care personnel wish for changes that they don’t believe they will achieve. The changes the respondents wish for are fewer negative work culture qualities, such as assertiveness and resignation, and more positive work culture qualities, such as engagement and empathy. Changes must be made to give the health care personnel improved working conditions and empowerment in order to change their situations to reflect what they wish for. The present findings can give an indication as to the direction that research ought to follow in subsequent studies.
Validation of the Norwegian version of the work
Beate André,Georg F. Bauer,G?rill Haugan,Karoline Gr?dal,Siw Tone Innstrand,Toril Rannestad
- , 2018, DOI: 10.1177/1403494817725466
Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the work-related sense of coherence scale, which measures the perceived comprehensibility, manageability, and meaningfulness of an individual’s current work situation. Methods: Factorial validity, convergent and discriminant validity of the factors, as well as scale reliability were tested with confirmatory factor analyses among two samples of employees in higher education institutions (N = 6951) and nursing homes (N = 558). Factorial invariance across occupational groups was also investigated. Results: A modified three-factor structure was shown to be valid and reliable in both samples and invariant across occupational groups. However, problems were detected regarding the discriminant validity between the factors comprehensibility and manageability. Conclusions: The Norwegian version of the work-related sense of coherence scale seems to have good properties. Further development is needed to better distinguish between the comprehensibility and manageability dimensions
Translation and Linguistic Validation of a Swedish Study-Specific Questionnaire for Use among Norwegian Parents Who Lost a Child to Cancer
Alexandra Eileg?rd Wallin,Hilde-Kristin Vegsund,Mary-Elizabeth Bradley Eilertsen,Toril Rannestad,Trude Reinfjell,Unni Karin Moksnes
- , 2018, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci7100187
Abstract: Abstract Background: Research is needed on how to help cancer-bereaved parents, as they are considered to be a vulnerable population and they are at risk of developing ill health following the loss of a child to cancer. The purpose of the present study was to translate and linguistically validate a Swedish study-specific questionnaire that was developed for Swedish cancer-bereaved parents. The translated questionnaire will be used in a nationwide study in Norway. Methods: Forward and backward translations of the Swedish study-specific questionnaire were conducted, followed by linguistic validation based on telephone interviews with six Norwegian cancer-bereaved parents. Result: It was found that several medical terms and conceptual issues were difficult for the Norwegian parents to understand. There were also four issues regarding the response alternatives. Conclusions: Although Sweden and Norway have quite similar cultures and languages, the results off this pilot study show that, to ensure the quality of a translated questionnaire, linguistic validation as well as translation is necessary. View Full-Tex
A Feast of Senses: Rhetorical Devices in the Prose of Salman Rushdie. With Special Reference to Metaphors and Adverbs.
Toril Swan
Nordlit : Tidsskrift i litteratur og kultur , 1999,
Abstract: The paper analyzes Rushdie's rhetorical use of adverbials and metaphors, in particular his rhetorical use of adverbials. The adverbs in question function rhetorically in three, partly overlapping ways. They are frequently metaphorical, and even if strictly literal (i.e. concrete), convey images and sense forms. Secondly, the linking and focusing function of the adverbs is an effective rhetorical device, as prototypical adverb use - focus on or specification of verbal actions and activities - is transformed into a focus on or specification of the subject, while the adverb form (the -ly suffix) ensures a simultaneous link to the verbal action. Finally, Rushdie's adverbs function rhetorically as abbreviated propositions. This use of adverbs is in particular a property of English, and Rushdie exploits it elegantly.
A Feast of Senses: Rhetorical Devices in the Prose of Salman Rushdie. With Special Reference to Metaphors and Adverbs.
Toril Swan
Nordlit : Tidsskrift i litteratur og kultur , 1999,
Abstract: The paper analyzes Rushdie's rhetorical use of adverbials and metaphors, in particular his rhetorical use of adverbials. The adverbs in question function rhetorically in three, partly overlapping ways. They are frequently metaphorical, and even if strictly literal (i.e. concrete), convey images and sense forms. Secondly, the linking and focusing function of the adverbs is an effective rhetorical device, as prototypical adverb use - focus on or specification of verbal actions and activities - is transformed into a focus on or specification of the subject, while the adverb form (the -ly suffix) ensures a simultaneous link to the verbal action. Finally, Rushdie's adverbs function rhetorically as abbreviated propositions. This use of adverbs is in particular a property of English, and Rushdie exploits it elegantly.
The “Business Schools” Programme, within the Framework of The Territorial Network of Support to the Entrepreneur in Andalusia (Spain)  [PDF]
Jaime de Pablo Valenciano, Juan Uribe Toril, Jean Pierre Levy Mangin
iBusiness (IB) , 2010, DOI: 10.4236/ib.2010.24042
Abstract: The local government of Andalusia runs several public programmes, aimed at encouraging new business start-ups, and is responsible for stimulating the local economy. It is known that companies that have followed a business training programme and have the support of a specialized technical advisory service with a lower rate of failure. This presentation analyses the programmes that make up the map of existing mechanisms. One of these shall be studied in depth: The “Business Schools” programme; part of the Territorial Entrepreneur Support Network. “Business Schools” came into being in the early nineties and were designed to set up social economy companies in rural districts and encourage the settlement of people in those areas. The doctrine that indicates the synergies existing between companies that coexist in certain surroundings is extensive. A series of commercial links can be seen to be generated between companies included in this programme, harnessing the value, not only of this type of programme, but also of the companies themselves. We can therefore conclude that incubation in these centres provides the companies involved with certain common characteristics, which result in collaboration amongst them and a healthy tendency to participate in business cooperation projects.
Smerte- og smertevurdering hos sykehjemspasienter - en litteraturgjennomgang
Liv-Berit Knudsen,Toril Agnete Larsen
Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning , 2010,
Abstract: Litteraturgjennomgangen omhandler forskningsbasert kunnskap som er utviklet om smerte- og smertevurdering hos pasienter med og uten demenssykdom i sykehjem. S k i elektroniske databaser med s keordene "pain", "pain assessment", "dementia", "nursing homes" er gjennomf rt. 28 vitenskapelige artikler er analysert.Flest studier har kvantitativ tiln rming. Hovedtemaene er; smerte, smertevurdering og utpr ving/validering av smertevurderingsskjema. Prevalens av smerte varierte fra 47 - 88 %. Sammenheng mellom smerte og diagnoser, og smerte og atferdsuttrykk er p vist. Sykehjemsbeboere har samme smerteintensitet. De med demenssykdom f r foreskrevet mindre smertestillende medikamenter. Personalet avdekket i mindre grad smerte hos pasienter med demenssykdom. Kjennskap og relasjon til beboer har betydning. Verbale selvrapporteringsskjema er anbefalt. Mange observasjonsskjema for personer med demenssykdom er validert, men mer utpr ving trengs.Smerteutfordringene i sykehjem er komplekse. For avdekke smerte hos personer med demenssykdom trengs ulike tiln rmingsm ter, kunnskap om sykdomstilstander, kjennskap til pasientens levde liv, og at valide smertevurderingsskjema benyttes. Ytterligere forskning er n dvendig.
Bacillus cereus cytotoxins Hbl, Nhe and CytK are secreted via the Sec translocation pathway
Annette Fagerlund, Toril Lindb?ck, Per Einar Granum
BMC Microbiology , 2010, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-10-304
Abstract: Sec-type signal peptides were identified in all toxin components, and secretion of Hbl component B was shown to be dependent on an intact Sec-type signal peptide sequence. Further indication that secretion of Hbl, Nhe and CytK is dependent on the Sec translocation pathway, the main pathway on which bacterial secretion relies, was suggested by the observed intracellular accumulation and reduced secretion of the toxins in cultures supplemented with the SecA inhibitor sodium azide. Although a FEA deficient strain (a flhA mutant) showed reduced toxin expression and reduced cytotoxicity, it readily secreted overexpressed Hbl B, showing that the FEA is not required for Hbl secretion. Thus, the concurrent lack of flagella and reduced toxin secretion in the FEA deficient strain may point towards the presence of a regulatory link between motility and virulence genes, rather than FEA-dependent toxin secretion.The Hbl, Nhe and CytK toxins appear to be secreted using the Sec pathway, and the reduced Hbl expression of a FEA deficient strain was shown not to be due to a secretion defect.Bacillus cereus and the closely related Bacillus thuringiensis are Gram positive bacteria belonging to the B. cereus group, recognized as causative agents of gastrointestinal disease. Three pore-forming toxins appear to be responsible for the diarrhoeal type of food poisoning: Hemolysin BL (Hbl), Non-haemolytic enterotoxin (Nhe), and Cytotoxin K (CytK) [1]. Since B. thuringiensis is only differentiated from B. cereus by the presence of plasmids encoding insecticidal crystal toxins [2], B. cereus and B. thuringiensis show a similar prevalence and expression of genes encoding these cytotoxins [3,4]. Hbl and Nhe each consist of three different protein components, named L2, L1, and B, and NheA, NheB and NheC, respectively, while CytK is a single-component toxin [1].The expression of the B. cereus cytotoxins is positively regulated by a quorum sensing system composed of the transcriptional activator Pl
Screening Foster Children for Mental Disorders: Properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
Stine Lehmann, Einar R. Heiervang, Toril Havik, Odd E. Havik
PLOS ONE , 2014, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0102134
Abstract: Background High prevalence of mental disorders among foster children highlight the need to examine the mental health of children placed out of home. We examined the properties of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) in screening school-aged foster children for mental disorders. Methods Foster parents and teachers of 279 foster children completed the SDQ and the diagnostic interview Developmental and Well-Being Assessment (DAWBA). Using the diagnoses derived from the DAWBA as the standard, we examined the performance of the SDQ scales as dimensional measures of mental health problems using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analyses. Recommended cut-off scores were derived from ROC coordinates. The SDQ predictive algorithms were also examined. Results ROC analyses supported the screening properties of the SDQ Total difficulties and Impact scores (AUC = 0.80–0.83). Logistic regression analyses showed that the prevalence of mental disorders increased linearly with higher SDQ Total difficulties scores (X2 = 121.47, df = 13, p<.001) and Impact scores (X2 = 69.93, df = 6, p<.001). Our results indicated that there is an additive value of combining the scores from the Total difficulties and Impact scales, where scores above cut-off on any of the two scales predicted disorders with high sensitivity (89.1%), but moderate specificity (62.1%). Scores above cut-off on both scales yielded somewhat lower sensitivity (73.4%), but higher specificity (81.1%). The SDQ multi-informant algorithm showed low discriminative ability for the main diagnostic categories, with an exception being the SDQ Conduct subscale, which accurately predicted the absence of behavioural disorders (LHR? = 0.00). Conclusions The results support the use of the SDQ Total difficulties and Impact scales when screening foster children for mental health problems. Cut-off values for both scales are suggested. The SDQ multi-informant algorithms are not recommended for mental health screening of foster children in Norway.

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